Friday 9 December 2011

Naruto 567 Prediction 1

Promise I could not keep

 Kakashi: Naruto, inform us.
Naruto: urgh...well that masked guy is controlling the jinchuriki using the same technique like Nagato used to control Pain
Kakashi: I they have..
Naruto: Yeah, the rods on on their chest but....
Tobi is being re grouped by the jins
Naruto: They have all transformed to that form...we can't get them anymore.
Gai: Naruto, take KillerBee and head to the medical squad!
Naruto: Bu-but brushy brow this guy is immensely powerful you guys have no-
Kakashi: Go Naruto. We have a plan.

Naruto looks at Killerbee who transformed back to normal and has a giatn hold in his chest
Naruto: I'll leave you some clones...that way..
Kakashi: No. We need you at full power soon.
Naruto: Full power? Why?
Gai: To fight...
Sasuke is shown jumping through the trees
Gai: Him.

Sasuke comes to a stop.

Sasuke: Who's there.
Unknown: It's me...
Sasuke: ! That voice
Itachi: Sasuke.
Sasuke: What? Itachi? How?
Itachi: I was resurrected via the impure world. So have many people for this war.
Sasuke: *thinking* War?
Sasuke:....nii san...
Itachi: ....
Sasuke: Join me!(activates EMS)
Itachi has a shocked look on his face
Itachi: Sasuke, why didn't you return to the village. Why have you chosen to follow Madara?
Sasuke: The Leaf killed you! They sent you on a death mission, you killed mom and dad and everyone because of them! Justice needs to be delivered. They need to know their palce!
Itachi: No, this is a ninja's duty, if I hadn't done what I did corruption would have cause the leaf to crumble, the uchiha would have taken over and....
Sasuke: And what?
Itachi: He...would have killed you.
Sasuke: Who's 'he"?
Itachi: Madara. He would have killed everysingle one of the Uchiha's. I had to do it myself to make sure I could at least guarantee your survivability.
Sasuke: It doesn't matter, I've already killed Danzo and I'm going to kill the rest of the Leaf.
Itachi: Why Sasuke why? Why not go back and live? Live with your real brother!
Sasuke: !? real brother?
Itachi: Naruto was more than I could ever be for you.
Sasuke: sound like them. You don't understand...I HAVE NOTHING!
Itachi: Then go get something, the leaf is waiting for you, help them. It;s not too late Sasuke...
Sasuke: ......
Sasuke: If you won't join me....then you're against me.
Itachi:....I knew it would come to this...Itachi activates his MS
Itachi: As the promise I could not keep...and the failure i am I will correct my mistakes.
Sasuke: ...
Itachi: Well then....(Itachi appears beside Sasuke) Let's see how good your eyesight has become.
Chapter end