Thursday 1 December 2011

Naruto 566 Latest prediction 2

Changing The Scenery

*Killerbee/Hachibi begins to use Bijudama*
Tobi: Heh, as expected.
*Killerbee/Hachibi uses Bijudama to blow the forest away. He only uses it in front of him so Naruto is safe*
Naruto: This could destroy all the rods in one attack, awesome Killerbee!
*The attack concludes, and the smoke clears*
Naruto: !
Killerbee/Hachibi: Impossible...
*The Edo Jinchuriki are unharmed*
Naruto: Even if they are Edo Tensei they should have still been hit and in pieces right now, starting to what gives?
Killerbee/Hachibi: It looks like...steam!?

*Steam comes off the Edo Jinchuriki and returns to Han's gourd thingy*

Tobi: Han's steam works great for attack and defense. *Explains how it protected the Edo Jinchuriki*. Even if they failed to hit them, they still were able to blow the forest up, giving them a bit more advantage, but...
*The Edo Jinchuriki gain as many tails as they can*
Naruto: Damn...they're going to be even tougher now. If only...

*Switch to inside Naruto*
Kyuubi: Why do you push yourself so far?
Naruto: This isn't the time for us to talk. I'll be happy to answer you once I know you're safe, that's what's important right now.
Kyuubi: Right, because if I'm captured the whole world is doomed, everyone you love and care about will be gone...
Naruto: That's right, and that includes you!
Kyuubi: !
Naruto: I hated you before...or at less I thought I did. My entire life, people hated me because of you, you made my life shit.
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: But...they never really hated me, they hated you. You're a monster, who wants to cause destruction.

*We go back to Killerbee/Hachibi fighting the Edo Jinchuriki. The Jinchuriki begin to turn into their Bijuu modes*
Killerbee/Hachibi: Not good...those rods seem to still be inside of them too. Couldn't get any worse...
Tobi: Summoning Jutsu!
*Ichibi appears*
Killerbee/Hachibi: Of course...

*Back with Naruto and Kyuubi*
Naruto: But I seen Killerbee and Hachibi, they work well with each other and Hachibi doesn't seem so bad, so I're not so bad either.
Kyuubi: ...
*Naruto walks close to the cage and places his hand on the seal*
Kyuubi: !
*Naruto releases Kyuubi*
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: I want the two of us to be friends and work together. That way that masked freak wont every get his hands on you, but more importantly, you'll be able to be more then "A monster who wants to cause destruction"'d be a hero and people wont fear you anymore. I believe it, and you better too!
*Naruto smiles and has his thumb up. Kyuubi looks shocked*
Kyuubi: Heh, what makes you think I wont just take over you once this is all over?
Naruto: Well I can sense negative emotions and I sense none from you anymore...
Kyuubi: !
Naruto: But again, like I said-

*Scene changes back to Hachibi and the Edo Bijuu. Naruto begins to transform*
Killerbee/Hachibi: No way...he did it.
Tobi: !!!
*Naruto has fully transformed into Kyuubi*
Naruto/Kyuubi: I believe it!!!
Tobi: This...couldn't have gone better then I plan *Tobi's eyes are full of joy*
Naruto/Kyuubi: Let's do this!
Killerbee/Hachibi: Yah!

End Text-Kyuubi and Naruto working together in this all out Bijuu battle