Thursday 15 December 2011

Naruto 568 Prediction 2

Kyuubi's Heart

*Naruto begins to slowly open Yonbi's mouth*
*Naruto opens Yonbi's mouth faster and jumps out*
Hachibi: Naruto's back in the Kyuubi Chakra Mode...
Naruto: What's going on...I didn't think I had enough in me to continue using this but-

*Inside Naruto*
Kyuubi: I helped you you fool!
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: But...why?
Kyuubi: Does it matter? I simply don't want to be captured...
Naruto: ...That's not it...
Kyuubi: !
Naruto: I may not be that smart...but I can tell you did this more then just not wanting to be captured.
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: I-!!!
Kyuubi: !!!

*Back on the battle field*
*Hachibi moves his hand in front of Naruto, which gets crushed by Yonbi*
Killerbee: Hachibi!

*Back inside Naruto*
Naruto: Hachibi...
*Kyuubi has a worried look on his face*
Naruto: We have to work with each other!
Kyuubi: *Still has a worried look*...
Naruto: Hachibi is trying to protect us...Kakashi and Guy are trying to protect us...everyone in the Alliance is fighting, risking their lives...TO PROTECT US!!!
Kyuubi: No...they are trying to
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: *Looking depressed now*...This world sees me as a monster. The world either wants us Bijuu to be away for good or be used as weapons to help themselves, they could care less about us...Hachibi is lucky, he was able to find someone who actually cares about him.
???: He wasn't the only one who was lucky.
Kyuubi: !!!
Naruto: !? Why does it seem like I have a new voice in my head every day...
*Gobi appears, with Han*
Han: Calm down kid.
Naruto: Umm...
Gobi: My host cares about me, it's because of him that I was able to stop causing mayhem and fight along side him to help make this world a better place.
Kyuubi: *Shocked look*...
*Rokubi and Utakata appears*
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: !
Rokubi: Utakata is a great host too. He saw me more then a giant Slug monster, he saw me as a friend.
*Yonbi, Roshi, Sanbi, Yagura, Nibi, Yugito, Nanabi, and Fuu all appear*
Yonbi: We all have been in the same situation as you Kyuubi.
Nanabi: We were all monsters, wanting nothing but destruction.
Nibi: But our hosts were the ones to help us understand ourselves better and understand the world better too.
Sanbi: Having a host isn't a burden for us at all, it's a gift. My host released me, so I wouldn't be captured, he gave his life for me.
Naruto: *Shocked look*...
Kyuubi: *Same shocked look as Naruto*...
Fuu: Aww, you two look like a perfect couple, even making the same facial expressions, I bet you two would be awesome in a fight together!
Yagura: I think I speak for us all when I say that being a Jinchuriki isn't a burden, just like Sanbi said having a host isn't a burden, it's a gift. We all get to understand ourselves better and the world, just like the Bijuu.
Roshi: Thanks to Yonbi, I was able to explore the world, and learned things about myself I never even knew about.
Utakata: Rokubi was great to have around, she made me see there's more to life then fighting, there's the good times you get to spend with your friends.
Yugito: I ended up with a house full of Cats because of Nibi, every time I saw a Cat I thought of her and that made me happy...I might have overdid it a little with 200 Cats but I can't help how much I love Nibi.
Kyuubi: I...
Naruto: How exactly did all of you get in my head...
???: It was me...
*Hachibi appears, with Killerbee, and Ichibi and Gaara*
Naruto: My head is seriously going to be hurting with all this in my head.
Hachibi: It was difficult making a link for all the Bijuu and Jinchuriki, it wont last long so we need to make this quick!
Naruto: Wait how is Gaara here isn't he fighting right now...aren't we all fight!?
Hachibi: This is are subconscious mind, we are still fighting. However if we take too long our bodies will collapse, the other Jinchuriki and Bijuu will be fine though because of Edo Tensei, which is why we need to make this quick!*Hachibi looks exhausted*
Ichibi: I can't say I felt the same as everyone else did about their host, I just wanted to prove I was stronger then Kyuubi said I was, I put this kid through hell though, and I would take it back. You must hate me Gaara...
Gaara: No. I don't hate you or blame you for anything. We both didn't fully understand each other at the time, but now...
Ichibi: Heh, I think I get what you're saying, I guess I can say I feel the same like everyone else.
Hachibi: See Kyuubi...? Being a Jinchuriki or a Bijuu isn't bad at all, because we'll always have someone there with us.
Kyuubi: *Speechless face*
Naruto: ...Once we win this war, I'll make sure every person understands you, and all the Bijuu. When they think of you and the others, they wont think of a monster or a tool, they'll think of a hero, a noble beast, a wonderful creature. I wont stop until everyone knows and understands that Bijuu aren't bad at all. No matter how long it takes me, I will make everyone understand each other, there will be no more hate, no more war, the world will be at peace, and you can be apart of it Kyuubi.
Kyuubi: Naruto...
Naruto: *Smiling, with thumbs up* I believe it!
Kyuubi: ...Heh.

*Scene changes to Edo Madara vs Kages*
Edo Madara: You Kages are impressive...
*Focus on Gaara*
Gaara: !
Onoki: You alright Gaara? You looked a little out there for a second.
Gaara: *Smiles* I'm fine, let's finish this so Naruto can bring peace to the world.

*Scene changes to Tobi and the others*
Guy: What is Naruto doing, this is no time for sleep!
Kakashi: ...
*Naruto begins to change*
Guy: What's going on!?
Kakashi: It's the Kyuubi...
Guy: We're going to have to deal with the Kyuubi now too, when is the rest of the backup getting here!
Kakashi: I think the Kyuubi is our back up...
Guy: Why do you say that?
Kakashi: ...Just a feeling.
*Naruto changes completely into Kyuubi*
Hachibi: Finally...
Tobi: WHAT!?
Kyuubi: IT'S OVER FOR YOU...
Naruto and Kyuubi: BELIEVE IT!!!

End Text-Naruto and Kyuubi working together, will it be enough?