Thursday 15 December 2011

Naruto 568 Prediction 3

What will the nine tails do.
*scene shows where we left of in last chapter with naruto strugling to get out of the 2 tails mouth*

naruto: Damn it... If I dont get out of this things mouth I'm gonna end up being eaten alive!
*Nine Tails looks on with one eye open*
Nine Tails: .....
Naruto: Damn it!... I will not give up, I will not get eaten alive never!
nine tails: Useless as always... brat
naruto: Shut up nine tails, you may not care about the way that Madara(tobi) is controlling the other Biju but I will not just do nothing and let them be controlled like some slave! never!
nine Tails: ....... What ever
hachibi: naruto, forget about it he will never listen that stubborn nine tails never does, focus on the battle.
naruto: you are right but i still cant get out of this things mouth argh...

*naruto is putting all his strength into getting out and as soon as he is close to being free his kyubi chakra runs out*
naruto: no! no! not now why now, at this rate im done for!
*Hachibi to be*
Hachibi: Bee! Bee!
Bee: What mutha fucker?
Hachibi: Naruto needs our help! quick we cant let hiim go out like this.
Bee: alright bro I may be injured but that shouldnt matter now lets do this! Rawr!
*Bee Launches one of his tentacles at the 2 tails and naruto manages to get free*
Naruto Panting heavily: Thanks bee...
hachibi: He is out of chakra! bee we need to protect him! now!
Bee: I would like to yo! but We kinda busy here! Not sure if you forgotten mutha fucker but we got some crazy mofos attacking our ass.
Hachibi: Damn it!
*hachibi talking to nine tails*
Hachibi: nine Tails!
Nine Tails: .... what now? ...
Hachibi: Why? Why!? why wont you help naruto! if you dont do something now! naruto will die! and all that he has done up until now to protect us will be for nothing! he will die and you will be controlled by madara(tobi)! is that what you want?
nine Tail: ........
*nine tails thinks for a second*
Nine tails: Fine... But I'm getting tired of having to have to save this brat over and over again he should learn how to look after himself pfft
Hachibi: Thanks I'm glad that you listened to me this time, now lets do this!
Bee: Yeah nice going hachibi! you finnally got to the stubborn git yo!
hachibi: bee! focus on the battle you fool ones coming right at us...
*nine tails calls For naruto*
Naruto: What is it Nine Tails cant you see there is a war going on there is no time to chat!
Nine Tails: ... I know brat... I want you to listen to me for a second...
Naruto: but...
Nine tails: just shut up and listen. I'm going to help you naruto but in order to help you are going to need to let me out of this cage! only then i can help you1
Naruto: this is no time to be trying to fool me nine tails, I'm not the same kid as i used to be.
Nine tails: Naruto, I told you before I choose you over madara if helping you again means saving myself from being controlled by him again then I'll do it but you need to let me out now! if you dont you will die! you cant take on all of them by yourself! Let me have a shot, besides I'll finnally be able to get my revenge on that bastard for what he did with me 16 or so years ago!
Naruto: Fine
*naruto makes some seals and the cages comes up and the ninetails is free from the cage*
naruto: now what?
nine tails: now I take over i want my revenge all this hatred ive had is because of this man and besides i told the hachibi ill help just to shut him up, so lets do this. and don't worry naruto you will see what is happening besides I'm going to need your help too to watch my back.
*nine tails thinking I can't believe im doing this, pfft i hope the hachibi is happy*
Naruto: lets do this!
*end chapter*

Naruto 568 Prediction-2012 cliffhanger No mercy.

Scene starts with Lee in gates back peddling Mangetsu
Lee: Even in gates he's still fast enough to counter my moves! And even if I land a blow I just go through his water like body..
Mangetsu has all the sword sticking out of his water substance body
Mangetsu: How will you counter this one...
Mengatsu pulls out the be header blade
Sai: Damit...we told Kakashi and Gai that we could handle this but..
Mangetsu charges Lee only to be intercepted by Suigetsu
Suigetsu: That's my sword brother!

Scene changes to Mifune and co

Mifune is severely injured and has some bones stuck inside him.
Fodder Samurai: General Mifune watch out!
Kimimaro is attacking in CS2
Mifune: I can't move like this the end?
Juugo intercepts Kimimaro at CS2
Kimimaro: Juugo...this is Orochimaru's orders...move.
Juugo: Orochimaru is dead. Sasuke killed him.
Kimimaro: !........then I have no be controlled by another puppet....
Juugo: I know.

Scene switches to Naruto and co
Naruto his pushing up from Roshis mouth
Naruto: I....I can't hold...this much longer...
Bee: Naruto used more of the kyuubi's chakra!
Hachibi: Kyuubi stop draining him!
Naruto manages to free himself but lands on the floor
Kyuubi: Shut your mouth Hachibi! I'm the Nine tail DEMON fox. I don't care what you and Bee have as a relationship I work alone.
Bee: mother fucka Naruto get up!
Naruto: I think....I .....
Naruto falls to the ground motionless.
Kakashi and Gai: !
Bee: ! no...
Tobi: !
Hachibi: The kyuubi drained him... Naruto is...
Scene shows naruto's face with no pupils
Kakashi gets a flashback to when he said he's going on a rampage
Gai stopped him and told him to save that for the finale.
Kakashi: Gai...
Gai: !?
Kakashi activates a new version of MS -Now is the time.

Scene changes so konoha

Bodies drop to the group
Ibiki falls down and has been cut through the chest
Sasuke: would betray me this easily?
Karin is surrounded by blackops who surround the elders.
Karin: I told them everything. I could sense your cold chakra a mile away.
Oharu and Koharu stand up and remove their robes
Koharu: Blackops, stand aside.
Sasuke: !
Oharu: It's time we demonstrated why we were the thirds advisers.
Koharu and Oharu are in battle gear.
Sasuke: Let's go (activates EMS)
Chapter end.