Thursday 29 December 2011

Naruto 569 Prediction 2

S. Goku, “you release me and I will think about trusting you.”

Naruto, “Hmmm, If your anything like 9.. I mean Kurama then this could be a trick.”

We see the fox just laying there, “well, you do learn.”

Naruto, “well, I do know if I release you then you are free to do what you will, hmmm”

He looks up and smiles with a thumbs up, “Okay, I’ll do it!”

S.Goku, “really? Even though it may be a trick?”

Naruto walking towards his chains, “well If I don’t trust you how will you trust me?”

Goku looks a bit surprised, {this kid, is different. Have any other human changed?}


He slices thru the chains and the Sage of the Apes is released.

He quickly grabs Naruto up.

Outside we see Kakashi & Guy still fighting and the 8 tails wrestling with Son Goku.

“spit him back up you fucking chimp! Spit Naruto up, right now!”


“Multi shadow clone Jutsu!”

The Monkey Sage looks shocked he backs up and grabs his stomach, then just as sudden a swarm of base mode Naruto spew out of his mouth.

Kakashi, “number one knuckle head ninja is back , he just won’t stay down.”

They all land on the ground covered in slobber most of them saying “ewww” or “gross”.

From behind Son Goku, “Hey, I got your tails!”

We see Naruto(s) holding all of his tails.

Tobdara, (what is he doing?)

We see Kurama’s eye, “well , I’m not gonna let this happen.”

Naruto ties all the tails together, suddenly the Sage of the Apes sits down and tries to grab his tails to untie them, but just can’t quite get to them.


Darkness, now we see him in front of the cage of the Fox.

“so you released Son but not me? I see, so you trust him more than me?”

Naruto, “well Kurama, If I release you and you double cross me I will die, I just don’t know. I want to be friends with you, but you really try hard to not let that happen.”

Kurama sits straight up, “I see, come here Naruto, I want to tell you something.”

Back on the field.

We see the battle still going.

All the clones are gone, Naruto is trying to dodge the attacks from the Bijuu/paths that are left.

Suddenly, Tobdara does something with his hands and 3 paths revert back to human form.

They go after bee and Naruto.
Bee, “hold it right there!”

The Path holds his hand up and pushes 8 tails flying over Naruto and landing on his back.

Naruto sees this and frowns, “so this is it, hmmm? Your move to get me & Uncle Bee?”
{one pushes and pulls, that’s him, what are the other two? It would only make sense to have the anti jutsu and chakra taker Paths attack us.}

He sees Tobdara coming out of the ground near 8 tails whom is still laid out.

He turns to run but he is pulled to the Deva Path.

Naruto, “you want me, you want a Jinchuriki?! Okay then that’s what your gonna get!”

We see the fox looking thru the bars.

Naruto silently, “Kurama.”

Suddenly a bright flash of Orange light fills the field touching everyone present. We see Naruto standing pulsating Orange chakra around him soon it disappears.

His eyes are pupiless( like Neji) and orange.

Naruto, “get away from Bee!” he turns towards them again and the Deva path holds his hand up again but this time nothing happens.

We see Narutos feet the glow with Orange chakra, “Not this time.”

Suddenly he attacks all three paths so fast it seems simultaneous. He stabs all three with kunai sticking them to solid rock, neither can get free.

Tobdara is about to touch Bee when, a kunai comes through his face, “this again?”

Naruto, “ no.”

He claps his hands together, “Jinchuriki Arts: Jutsu of Kurama!”
Suddenly he grabs bee with a chakra tail and places him yards away and does the same with Guy & Kakashi.

Naruto, “masked guy, can you fly?”

Tobdara, “what?”

Naruto, “total destruction!”

The entire area explodes with rocks and trees and debris greater than the area bee destroyed, it is seen by other units fighting.

We see Naruto standing in mid air. But as we look closer we are shown the tails of the fox propping him up.
Below we see a huge river of lava yards below in this giant canyon he created.

Tobdara is being held by a chakra arm a few feet away from Naruto, “this will not defeat me.”

Naruto, “not done yet. Go!”

Suddenly the walls of the canyon turn into 100’s of Naruto clones they are all holding chakra laced Kunai.

Tobdara, {I can see there chakra but I also see the kunai , they must be laced with his chakra, this kid. He is gonna drop me down through all that. This isn’t like with Konan, I can’t use that jutsu here with this RG in my socket. }

Naruto, the old me would try to ask you why and try to talk you out of being the way you are, but sometimes, evil is evil.”
he tosses throws a tagged kunai at his face. Out of reflex Tobdara goes intangible at the same time the kunai explodes with a blinding flash of light.


As he is falling the clones are throwing kunai and catching the ones passing thru. As he falls past them they make rasengan and destroy the walls of the canyon . The result is rocks falling, wind kunai being thrown and a river of lava at the bottom.

Tobdara, {this child. Naruto.}

We see Kakashi and Guy looking at this.

Kakashi, “Naruto.”

Naruto is shown looking down but saying nothing.

All the paths stand motion less.

Everyone gathers and the Heroes are looking at the Jinchuriki paths.

Naruto, “Okay here I go.”

Bee, “hold up bro, now where you go?”

Naruto, this war isn’t over, we are gonna need all the help we can get. I gotta act fast before whoever really summoned them calls them back.”

He puts his fist out for a pound, they both smile.

Bee, “I’m going too, I’m still your teacher and protector I’m attached to you.”

Guy, “where are you two going?”

Kakashi, “relax Guy it will be just a few moments for us.”

We see both Bee and Naruto standing in front of ALL the Bijuu present on the field.

Suddenly we see two cages appear around Bee and Naruto.

The 7 tails speaks, “here we have the two Jinchuriki that are left, right now we decide whether to rip them apart and save our brothers or actually help these humans.”

The Slug, “first witness is Kurama.”

We see Kurama in his cage on the side still just laying there looking at Naruto.

We now see Kakashi looking down into the canyon, “who were you really?”

As he walks away we see around his neck below his collar a pair of goggles hanging.

Next issue: “Trial of the Jinchuriki.”