Thursday 29 December 2011

Naruto 569 Prediction 1


(On the outside, Killer Bee has managed to regain his composure and viciously headbutts the Yonbi.)

Killer Bee: “Dammit, It can’t be over!” (As the Yonbi and Killer Bee continue to lock horns, the Hachibi speaks to Killer Bee.)

Hachibi: “Calm yourself. The kid’s fine.”

Killer Bee (in thought): “Seriously, c’mon then Eighto, help me lay into ‘em, we gotta get Naruto outta there!”

Hachibi: “That wouldn’t be exactly wise, man. Naruto is speaking with the Yonbi.”

Killer Bee (In thought): “Waat?!”

Hachibi: “Haa, haa, ha! That guy surprises me to no end, if the boy can crack away at that exuberant ape’s demeanor, perhaps we may have a chance after all.”

(Inside the realm where Naruto and Son Goku reside, two Naruto, one grapping the chain around Goku’s left arm and other latching onto the chain around Goku’s right arm, are attempting to shatter the links.)

Naruto: “AHHHHH!” (The shadow clone on the left vanishes as Naruto tires and bends over gasping for air.)

Son Goku: “You’re, uh, not as bright as your attire.”

Naruto: “HEEEY! What’s that supposed to mean!?”

Son Goku: “You can’t just break these chains by force; they were constructed using a special chakra. If they were as easy to snap as you make it out to seem, I’d be out of here in a jiffy. Perhaps my faith in you was unfounded.” (Naruto sits down and folds his legs.)

Naruto: “Not a chance! I’ll figure a way to get you out of here, that’s a promise, Son.”

Son Goku (in thought): “He’s a nice runt, at least.” (On the outside, Kakashi and Gai have their hands full. Several of the Version 2 minions are launching themselves at Kakashi and his shadow clone. Both Kakashi and his shadow clone performs the same hand signs at the same time.)

Kakashi and shadow clone: “Water Element: Wall!”

(Punishing splashes of water smacks into the hosts and disorientates them. Before the hosts can react with counter-attacks, Kakashi and his clone draw out many Kunai, embedding each one with Raiton chakra as Kunai are rapidly thrown all across and into the wet ground. Electricity spreads across the wet field as the Kunai land in the wet ground in way of stakes.

Meanwhile, Gai is in mid-air, to the side of the Rokubi’s head. A crushing, flying knee smashes into the Rokubi’s head. Gai digs his hands into the side of the Rokubi’s head before sliding off and continuously knees the Rokubi in the head.)

Rokubi: “Oooooooahhh!” (Inside the mystical realm, Naruto continues to ponder on what to do. A flashback is now underway. Naruto is remembering his mother using chains made out of chakra to restrain the Kyuubi. The flashback cuts and Naruto comes to a realization once standing up.)

Son Goku: “Got something?”

Naruto: “Yeah, I think so.” (Naruto then remembers when Yamato told him of the strength of his chakra back during the Sasuke retrieval arc. The scene cuts back to the present.)

Son Goku: “Well then…”

Naruto: “I have the chakra type, but, the skill. Well, I’m not exactly keen on how to use it in that manner...” (Naruto has a puzzling look on his face.)

Son Goku: “So, are you giving up?”

Naruto: “Not a chance!”

Son Goku: “Hooo, Haaaa!”

(The scene focuses on Tobi’s location. Tobi turns his head one way, then he turns his head the other way, and finally, his head faces the front.)

Tobi: “I’ve had enough. “ (Tobi makes a hand sign.)

Next Time: The Tailed Beasts of Legend Run Rampant!