Thursday 29 December 2011

Naruto 569 Prediction 4

Hmm, this is no good there has to be some way to get these stupid chains off. Naruto enters Sage Mode, and rips off the chains. Phew, I did it.

Son Goku: (Surprised and Thinking)

Did this kid really use sage mode! Maybe he truly is the one after all. Son Goku has a flashback to the day the bijuu were created.

{Rikudou Sennin (Speaking to all the Bijuu)

I have failed to cleanse this world of it's hatred, but I have created you to guide the human race on the right path so that one day there can truly be peace. I know that one day someone will be born that succeeded where I have failed, when that time comes you are obliged to assist that person, that is the true purpose of your creation.}

Son Goku: Uses telepathy to call all of the other bijuu into to his dimension.

Shukaku: What's going on here? I thought I was still trapped in that damn statue.

Son Goku: Where in a dire situation I know, most of you are still under the control of that masked man, but I think that this boy here may be the one that the Rikudou Sennin spoke of, and our only hope of being truly free.

Kurama: You're and idiot Son. This boy is a weakling, he can't handle our power and there's no way he could cleanse the world of it's hatred. This child can not even take care of himself, he would be dead a hundred times over if not for my power.

Shukaku: You've alway's been arrogant Kurama. I don't know much about this child, but he was able to hold me back with only a fraction of your so called power.

Gyumaoh (Hachibi): Naruto is strong, and he is kind I believe in his power and think he can free us.

The other bijuu eventually come around to Son Goku and Gyumaoh's point of view.

Kurama: Fine I will lend this boy even more of my power to show you all how foolish you are.

Son Goku (To Naruto): The bijuu have decided that you are the world's best hope for piece and will lend you our combined strength. However, are combined power is so chaotic that you will have to balance it with the calming power of nature to stop your body from tearing itself apart.

Naruto: I won't let you down.

The bijuu all create huge balls of chakra similar to the chakra that Naruto received from the kyuubi, as Naruto gathers more natural energy.

Out in the real world.

Tobi: What the hell is going on, all of the bijuu are somehow ignoring my commands. I only have one choice, kuchiose Gedo Mazo.

Naruto then bursts from the mouth of Son Goku in a new version of Rikudou Mode. Ready to face the gedo mazo.