Thursday 29 December 2011

Naruto 569 Prediction 1


(On the outside, Killer Bee has managed to regain his composure and viciously headbutts the Yonbi.)

Killer Bee: “Dammit, It can’t be over!” (As the Yonbi and Killer Bee continue to lock horns, the Hachibi speaks to Killer Bee.)

Hachibi: “Calm yourself. The kid’s fine.”

Killer Bee (in thought): “Seriously, c’mon then Eighto, help me lay into ‘em, we gotta get Naruto outta there!”

Hachibi: “That wouldn’t be exactly wise, man. Naruto is speaking with the Yonbi.”

Killer Bee (In thought): “Waat?!”

Naruto 569 Prediction 2

S. Goku, “you release me and I will think about trusting you.”

Naruto, “Hmmm, If your anything like 9.. I mean Kurama then this could be a trick.”

We see the fox just laying there, “well, you do learn.”

Naruto, “well, I do know if I release you then you are free to do what you will, hmmm”

He looks up and smiles with a thumbs up, “Okay, I’ll do it!”

S.Goku, “really? Even though it may be a trick?”

Naruto walking towards his chains, “well If I don’t trust you how will you trust me?”

Naruto 569 Prediction 3

Chapter starts with Sasuke testing Susanooh. His Susanooh grows wings and fires a string of Yasakani no Magatama. The Magatama explode enormously, amusing Sasuke. Then His Susanooh seems to be shrinking for some reason then cut...

Naruto uses Rasenshuriken to destroy the chains of SonGoku. SonGoku rampages and scares the crap out of Naruto. Turns out that SonGoku is just testing him. The ape king regurgitates Naruto.

Son Goku tells that the RS created them from the chakra of the Juubi, not the will of the demon itself. They were blank slates. The RS treated them as friends and sent them across the ninja world to do whatever they want for one condition... never get involved with human affairs... but they can choose to help if the humans needed saving.

Naruto 569 Prediction 4

Hmm, this is no good there has to be some way to get these stupid chains off. Naruto enters Sage Mode, and rips off the chains. Phew, I did it.

Son Goku: (Surprised and Thinking)

Did this kid really use sage mode! Maybe he truly is the one after all. Son Goku has a flashback to the day the bijuu were created.

{Rikudou Sennin (Speaking to all the Bijuu)

I have failed to cleanse this world of it's hatred, but I have created you to guide the human race on the right path so that one day there can truly be peace. I know that one day someone will be born that succeeded where I have failed, when that time comes you are obliged to assist that person, that is the true purpose of your creation.}

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011

Naruto 568 Prediction 4

No mercy
Scene starts with Lee in gates back peddling Mangetsu
Lee: Even in gates he's still fast enough to counter my moves! And even if I land a blow I just go through his water like body..
Mangetsu has all the sword sticking out of his water substance body
Mangetsu: How will you counter this one...
Mengatsu pulls out the be header blade
Sai: Damit...we told Kakashi and Gai that we could handle this but..
Mangetsu charges Lee only to be intercepted by Suigetsu
Suigetsu: That's my sword brother!

Naruto 568 Prediction 3

What will the nine tails do.
*scene shows where we left of in last chapter with naruto strugling to get out of the 2 tails mouth*

naruto: Damn it... If I dont get out of this things mouth I'm gonna end up being eaten alive!
*Nine Tails looks on with one eye open*
Nine Tails: .....
Naruto: Damn it!... I will not give up, I will not get eaten alive never!
nine tails: Useless as always... brat
naruto: Shut up nine tails, you may not care about the way that Madara(tobi) is controlling the other Biju but I will not just do nothing and let them be controlled like some slave! never!
nine Tails: ....... What ever
hachibi: naruto, forget about it he will never listen that stubborn nine tails never does, focus on the battle.
naruto: you are right but i still cant get out of this things mouth argh...

Naruto 568 Prediction 2

Kyuubi's Heart

*Naruto begins to slowly open Yonbi's mouth*
*Naruto opens Yonbi's mouth faster and jumps out*
Hachibi: Naruto's back in the Kyuubi Chakra Mode...
Naruto: What's going on...I didn't think I had enough in me to continue using this but-

*Inside Naruto*
Kyuubi: I helped you you fool!
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: But...why?
Kyuubi: Does it matter? I simply don't want to be captured...
Naruto: ...That's not it...
Kyuubi: !
Naruto: I may not be that smart...but I can tell you did this more then just not wanting to be captured.
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: I-!!!
Kyuubi: !!!

Naruto 568 Prediction 1

Secret of the Uchiha

Chapter begins with the Kages.

They all look beat, Tsuchikage and Tsunade a little less. Madara is in Susano'o mode and remains unharmed.

Tsunade: Damn't! All our techniques and we can't get a scratch on him.

Kazekage: He has to have some kind of weakness. Tsuchikage, don't you remember anything.

Tsuchikage: Well, there is one thing, (his thought is an image of the Kyuubi) but its useless in this situation.

Mizukage: Then our best strategy is to have a few of us fight and attack Madara in a moment of weakness.

Raikage: That kind of trickery and ambush is just like Mist, well then you can be one of those who stays back.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Naruto 567 Latest Prediction

 Breaking Point
Kakashi and Gai stand in front of Naruto, indefatigable. Their eyes are narrowed and they focus on every single movement of Tobi.

He proceeds to jump off the Eight-Tails, and lands behind Naruto and his two superiors.

As neither makes a movement, a shadow clone of Kakashi's appears directly behind does not attack, however, lest it lose its position.

Tobi: What a waste of my you two really think you can do anything? It doesn't matter if the entire army is here to support you. None of you are strong enough to fight me. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, though: you interfere, and you die.

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei, he isn't lying! He has a Rinnegan now!

Gai: Rinnegan...?

Friday 9 December 2011

Naruto 567 Prediction 1

Promise I could not keep

 Kakashi: Naruto, inform us.
Naruto: urgh...well that masked guy is controlling the jinchuriki using the same technique like Nagato used to control Pain
Kakashi: I they have..
Naruto: Yeah, the rods on on their chest but....
Tobi is being re grouped by the jins
Naruto: They have all transformed to that form...we can't get them anymore.
Gai: Naruto, take KillerBee and head to the medical squad!
Naruto: Bu-but brushy brow this guy is immensely powerful you guys have no-
Kakashi: Go Naruto. We have a plan.

Naruto 567 Prediction 2

Turing The Tables.

Side Text-Kakashi and Guy arrives just in time!

Tobi: ...Do you really except to change anything...just the two of you?
Kakashi: It's not just the two of us.
Tobi: Naruto and Killerbee haven't been doing that great, so it's not like they change anything.
Kakashi: I wasn't talking about them.
Tobi: !?
Naruto: !?
*Weapons go through Tobi*
Tobi: ...
*Tobi turns his head*

Naruto 567 Prediction 3

Gai: whats the plan kakashi?

Kakashi tells them the plan

Naruto: right! this will do! as expected from you kakashi sensei

Tobi: heh, it seems they have a plan but nothing can work against me

Naruto and gai charge at madara while kakashi hides underground

Tobi: how simplistic they try to draw my attention so he can finish me from below

Jinchuurikis interrupt naruto and gai and punch them back

Wednesday 7 December 2011