Friday 27 January 2012

Naruto 572 Prediction 3

The Fury of a God

An attack capable of ravaging every last life form on the planet. That is the Tailed Beast Bomb.

And now, two of them collide in unimaginable wrath. Naruto's version charging through the gate against the combined power of five lesser beasts. The explosion simply beyond all human comprehension...

Tobi: As I expected, he took the attack of this size will kill everyone here. Naruto, the power ultimately went to your head...begging for acceptance, you used your strength much too fast...

Seconds before destruction on the level of the divine.

Naruto: I won't let you do this, you bastard! Kurama, let's do it!

Tobi laughs calmly.

Tobi: Fire.

A brief moment of silence. Stillness. Then...

Annihilation. Like two obstinate forces meeting, the two chakra bombs fuse in a symphony of death. At last, the explosion occurs, and it engulfs the entirety of the visible landscape and then some.

No division fails to see it. No division fails to stop their own (seemingly) petty battles to witness this power. The blow roars across all the lands, and a powerful earthquake devastates all the battlefields the five divisions are fighting on.

General Shinobi Army: !!

It continues for seconds that seem like eternity before the attacks even begin to consider waning. Still they persist. Gradually, they die down. They have no mercy on the earth, and spare absolutely nothing. Indiscriminate.

But what follows that noise, that a more terrifying, haunting silence.

No more trees, no more plants. The ultimate wasteland, representative of the combined power of the bijuu. And if the two sides had not died, they would indubitably experience lasting...


Naruto holds his side in a pain he can't understand, but looks and can't see anything. Just behind him, he sees his comrades, even more injured than he. Then he realizes...

Naruto: Kurama, what happened?! Wasn't our protection enough?!

Kurama: The power of a perfect jinchuuriki is something described only in the oldest of myths. Your partner Bee is one himself, but we're all fractions of something much greater, something more complete...

Naruto: !!

Kurama: Yes, that's right. We were all originally one mind, body, soul: the Ten-Tailed Beast. That moon you look up at every the center of that gargantuan mass of rock is its body. A shell of its former self.

Naruto: ?!

Kurama: What is it now?


Tobi: If I had to's to become "complete." Not that you would understand.


Naruto: Just something I remembered. It seems that...

Kakashi (strained): His power is amazing...I never imagined that...he could grow so much.

Kakashi (averting eye): Fourth...just how much faith did you have in him?

Gai: His power is amazing. But he needs to develop proper control over it. I'm proud of him, there's no doubt about that, but it's always collateral damage you have to deal with.

Kakashi (contemplative): Damage...

A memory running many years into the past. Kakashi sits next to someone, and looks up at the starry, moonless night. He looks at the person, and it is none other than his sensei, Minato Namikaze.

Kakashi: Sensei...there's something I want to ask you.

Minato: Go ahead, Kakashi. What is it?

Kakashi: Well, just before Obito died...he said something. I don't even know if I heard correctly, but what he told me was just so...strange.

Minato: ?

Kakashi: As a matter of fact, it was about you. I think he said...'tell Sensei...that I'll see him soon. The same way he'll live through his children, I will through mine.' It's odd because...he never had children. He was only 13, after all...

Minato (contemplative): Well, I think that he was talking about the future generations of Konoha. After all, each preceding generation can consider the succeeding their "children." Do you know that he had a younger brother, Shisui Uchiha? Is it not possible that he could live through him?

Kakashi: I suppose...but...why the mysterious wording?

Minato: People want to be remembered in death by some principle they stood for in life. In this case, it was Obito's desire to leave a mark on the history book of the world. And he has...

Minato points, smiling.

Kakashi also smiles.

Kakashi: Yeah...

Kakashi: Just what did you mean, Obito? You weren't a philosopher for your had to have been referencing something tangible. Something real. Not just an idea.

Gai: Kakashi, what are you mumbling about over there? We have no time for special memories!

Kakashi: You're right.

Kakashi: Why, then, did I remember that moment of my life at this particular point in time?

Killer Bee: Muthafucka, you're a beast! Though we're all slightly hurt, that's no matter; on the bijuu we're about to feast!

Naruto's countenance shows anxiety. Worry.

Naruto: You guys, I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me...I should be more careful-

Kakashi: It wasn't your fault. Not countering that attack would have left us worse off...dead. You did everything perfectly.

Naruto's guilt is eased. But general panic in lieu of that remorse rises.

It is Tobi. He walks closer and closer to Naruto and company, but no tailed beasts can be seen before him. As a matter of fact, his six Edo Tensei are gone as well. As compensation for his hard work, Naruto's group sees that he has sustained some damage as well.

Tobi: They'll have an interval of relief in my prison.

The only that can be seen next to Tobi, however, is Gedo Mazo. He looks up at it, then back at Naruto.

Tobi: If you think about it, this battle is meaningless. Naruto, do you have any idea of the heights Sasuke is about to reach? What you did here is just a prelude to the true power of the Sharingan.


Itachi: order to gain "true" power. The Eternal Mangekyou.


Naruto: Take me to him! I want to see him!

Tobi: Good things to those who wait, my dear friend. And while I must commend your recent performance, know that I'm far from done here. Actually, I'd wager the advantage is mine now. I count one minute left on your transformation, Uzumaki Naruto...what do you say?

Naruto: !!

Naruto: How the hell would he know that?!

Kurama: I...I don't understand...

Tobi: It looks like in the end, the Gold and Silver trash served an unbelievably useful purpose. Kabuto, you've simply handed everything on a silver platter, haven't you?

Tobi makes a hand sign, and Gedo Mazo's full body is revealed. At that precise moment, Naruto's Kyuubi Chakra Mode reverts back to stage one.

Tobi: Perfect...with the Kyuubi chakra of the brothers amplified, and inserted into Gedo Mazo, the statue is nigh unbeatable.

Kakashi: We're in trouble confident are you in your level one Kyuubi mode taking on that statue? I could prepare a Kamui in the meantime.

Naruto: I don't know...that thing looks like an absolute monster. And with the bijuu put back in there, it looks we'll be facing a statue combining the power of seven Tailed Beasts.

Gai: I can still use the Eighth Gate, Kakashi...there's time.

Tobi: Attack, Gedo Mazo.

Gedo Mazo stomps its foot on the ground, and a gigantic shockwave sends Naruto's company flying. Kurama provides a steady stream of chakra, but Gedo Mazo retaliates by firing several energy blasts.

They miss, and Killer Bee (even in his injured state) decides to fire off a depleting Tailed Beast Bomb. It is large, and gives the statue no room to escape. When it comes into contact with the statue, it merely passes through it.

Naruto/Killer Bee/Kakashi/Gai: The statue intangible...?!

Then they see Tobi touching its foot, and understand.

Gai: Apparently his power extends to turning other things insubstantial as well. This isn't good.

Gai listens to no advice, and prepares the Eighth Gate without a moment's notice. He is ready to die. However, as he channels chakra, he finds that he has none left.

Gai: How is this possible?! I still had some...

Tobi takes the initiative and explains.

Tobi: That shockwave wasn't your ordinary blow. It is one of the Rinnegan's unique abilities to be able to absorb all chakra-based attacks...well, that shockwave, Maito Gai, was a Hungry Ghost Realm blast. It's designed to rob you of any last vestiges of chakra.

Tobi: And with the chakra I've collected...I give you the ultimate jutsu of the Rinnegan. Rikudou Sennin's very finest...the fury of a God...

Tobi concentrates on the task at hand. Naruto and the rest sense a different aura permeating the battlefield, and know that the jutsu in question is going to be devastating.

To that end, he de-summons Gedo Mazo, no longer needing it.

Tobi: Chou Chibaku Tensei!!