Tuesday 24 January 2012

Naruto 571 Prediction 3

An All Out Bijuu Battle
Naruto and Kurama team up!

*Chapter starts with Naruto in the real world having a grin on his face*
Naruto: Let's do this Killerbee
Killerbee: Naruto...you actually did it motherfucker!
Hachibi: So you're going to work with us now Kurama?
Kurama: Heh, I guess so, it'll be fun squishing that masked fool anyways.
Killerbee: What's the plan Naruto?
Naruto: ...
*Naruto flashbacks to when he was talking to Son right when they fist bumped each other*
Son: Make sure you use it at the right time!
Naruto: Yah I got it. Thanks Son, it was greet getting to know you a little.
Son: Heh, I should be thanking you, you showed me that humans can respect us Bijuu. I enjoyed getting to know you as well, you're an interesting guy Naruto.
Naruto: Hehe, I'll make sure to save you all, believe it!

*Back to the real world*
Naruto: ...First we need to remove those rods.
Killerbee: So they still got them? Can't even see them anymore.
Naruto: Yah, they should all be around the neck, we just have to destroy them all. I'll tell you the rest once that's done.
Killerbee: Alright, let's do this motherfucker!
*Killerbee/Hachibi gets back up*
Naruto: My turn!
*Naruto begins to transform*
Guy: Oh no, the Kyuubi's taking over Naruto, things can't get any worse!
*Kakashi sees Naruto's grin*
Kakashi(Thinking): No...it's different this time. Good work, Naruto.
Tobi: !!!
*Naruto transforms fully into Kurama. Naruto and Killerbee move closer to Tobi and the other Bijuu*
Tobi: So you finally able to control the Kyuubi huh? That still wont be enough.
Naruto: I'm not controlling him, and he's name is "Kurama" not "Kyuubi"! And together we will stop you!
Tobi: ...I see, you two are friends now, despite all it's done you care about that thing...pathetic.
Naruto: It was because of people like you that Kurama became full of hate, using him as a tool...seeing him as a "thing" and not as a living creature. Once we're done here, I'll make sure everyone knows the truth about the Bijuu!
Tobi: ...It's unfortunate that you wont be able to live for that day, once I capture you and the Hachibi, the world will be mine! ATTACK!!!
*The Bijuu all go to attack Naruto and the others.*
*There's a few pages of battling. Naruto grabs Nibi*
*Naruto enters inside Nibi's dimension*
Nibi: ?! Who are you and what do you want?
Naruto: I'm Naruto Uzamaki and I'm here to save you!
Nibi: ?! What did you say?
Naruto: Thanks to Son, I know how I'll be able to save you all. By the way, what's you're name?
Nibi(Thinking): This kid...he's something else that's for sure.
Nibi: My name is...
*Back to the real world*
Naruto: *Enter Nibi's name here* you wont have to fight anymore.
*Naruto destroys the rod*
Nibi: !? You actually did it! Thank you, Naruto.
*Nibi gets suck into Gedo Mazo. Yugito is on the floor*
Tobi: Damn that Naruto!
Killerbee: Motherfucker you did it again! Only 4 more now!
Naruto: Kakashi, can you take that women's body and get at a safe distance.
Kakashi: Right, it doesn't look like we'll be much help now anyways.
*Kakashi picks up Yugito, he and Guy back away and go to Roshi's body*
Tobi: I've had enough of this! FINISH THEM OFF!!!
*The four remaining Bijuu begin to use Bijudama*
Killerbee: !!!
Hachibi: This isn't good!
Tobi: IT ENDS NOW!!!
*The Bijuu launch their Bijudama*

End Text-A Devastating Attack!