Tuesday 24 January 2012

Naruto 571 Prediction 4



Chapter starts with Naruto excreting chakra like crazy
Hachibi: No way!
Kakashi and Gai: !?
Tobi: ....!
Naruto fully transforms
Kurama/Naruto: Kakashi sensei and bushy brows, take care of Tobi, we'll handle the bijuu!
Gai looks at the bijuu behind him as they start charging at them
Gai: Ye-yea...tat sounds like a great idea right Kakashi!
Kakashi: ...... Alright.
Kurama: Right!
Tobi: So he managed to fully convert the 9 tails....not bad. Now those two rats are going to try and take me out..controlling the other bijuu will be troublesome..I'll have to put them on autopilot for now.
Hachibi engages the 5 and 2 tails while Naruto takes on the 3 and 7 tails
Hachibi: Hey Naruto, you think you can do it now?
Kurama: Maybe...let's try it.

Naruto charges a bijuudama but can't do it.
Naruto: Damit!
Kurama: Move aside Naruto, this is my specialty.
Naruto: ! Oh yea
Hachibi follows along
The other bijuu put up their guards
The giant explosion causes dust and smoke to be everywhere.
Tobi: .....
Tobi: !?
From the ground Kakashi's dogs come out and attack Tobi
Kakashi attacks from behind as well with a raikiri.
Tobi: Shinra tensei!
The dogs and Kakashi are sent flying
Kakashi: NOW GAI!
Tobi: !!
Gai comes from the ground is about to uppercut tobi but he goes intangible.
Gai: To be able to react to my movement in the seventh gate...
Kakashi: He's resorting to the sage of the six path techniques now...we made counters to all his techniques except for his space/time technique.
Tobi: Using the dust to hide your movements. You're quite the powerful one Kakashi, but you'll never defeat me. Not with that eye.
Kakashi: !?
Gai: Alright! *If I can keep attacking him, he will soon run out of chakra and won;t be able to use his almighty push..but that space and time technique will be hard to bypass.
Gai; Kakashi.
Kakashi: ?
Gai: Get out of here.
Kakashi: ! No, Gai! We can do this without using that!
Gai: You know deep down inside that we can't. It;s the only option.
Pakkun: Is Gai really going to go that far...
Tobi: Enough of this.
Tobi: Almighty Pull!
Gai is being dragged towards Tobi
Tobi goes intangible and it goes right through him
Tobi: Useless.
Gai is getting really close to Tobi
Tobi uses his chakra absorption to suck back the fire
Kakashi: The eight inner gates...to unlock the last gate one has to use up all his chakra.....that is when the user can unlock something more than just chakra....
Tobi grabs Gai by the chest
Tobi: Goodbye. Preta Path!
Gai smiles
Tobi: ?
Gai's body shifts and is just an after image
Kakashi: The speed of light...His body becomes nothing more than mass! Nothing can react to it.
Tobi: ?! Wha-
Gai kicks Tobi on the side which annihilates the right side of hsi body
Tobi: GUAHHhhh
Gai: Now to finish it!
Gai: !?
Kakashi and Pakkun: !??
Gai: ...hmm...you were a worthy opponent.
behind him is Tobi with his sharingan slowly closing.
Tobi: Preta Path.
Gai's soul is ripped out.
Gai falls to the ground smiling at Kakashi
Kakashi's yes are wide open.
Naruto and hachibi notice it
Tobi: He made me waste my right eye....but it can be replaced with yours.
Kakashi is looking down, you can't see his face.
Kakashi remembers when Tobi said that technique won't work on him.
Kakashi: It was all a lie...that eye... everything....I get it now. That is why...
Tobi: ....!
Pakkun: Kakashi,..
Kakashi charges Raikiri
Kakashi: You're going to die here.
Tobi: Hmm...tobi sticks his hand out
Kakashi: Mangekyou Sharingan!
Tobi: ? Where is it, the dimension!
Kakashi: behind you
Tobi: !???
A dimension opens behind Tobi and Kakashi;s right arm comes out of it with Raikiri which cuts the left side of Tobi's face and his rinnegan
Tobi: Urgh...Impossible,.....it took me years to master that jutsu....
Kakashi: My rampage was postponed. Now it commences!
Tobi is blind and trying to stand up
Kakashi: Two eyes down...one to go.
Chapter end.