Monday 6 February 2012

Naruto 573 Latest Prediction

Scene opens with Madara sliding backward due to a kick from the Raikage, and being surrounded by the Kages.

"You guys sure live up to your names.."

Tsunade is seen with her forehead seal released and Katsuyu summoned. Each of the Kages has a Katsuyu clone on them.

".. I feel like I'm not the only one with immortality here."

The scene zooms out and it shows hundreds of craters, huge weapons spread all over the battlefield, defeated summons with gashing wounds, dying and some just popping off in a cloud of smoke. The landscape is utterly destroyed.

Next page shows a similar view at Naruto's scene. Except it's at least ten times as large. And the craters were former mountains.

The 8-tails speaks to Naruto with a slight hint of concern. "If your link isn't perfect yet, it's best to let me and Bee take the fight from here on out, you did great already.."

Naruto is visibly exhausted and panting. But smiling with a big grin on his face. "No. We're going to rip your comrades out of that statue thing. I promised Son. I promised it to them all." - "... but you are clearly not in a state to fight.." - "Heh. That's what he thinks, too.."

Meanwhile, Tobi is standing on top of Gedo Mazo. "Go." It dashes toward Naruto and Bee. Gedo Mazo is seen weaving some seals whilst sprinting. It summons a huge wall of rock behind Naruto and Bee, effectively locking them down. Simultaneously, its left hand is roaring with lightning infused chakra, its right hand blowing with wind chakra.

Both hands shoot forward. Three panels show the hands of Gedo Mazo get closer and closer to Naruto, the last panel showing it just inches away from his grin.

Suddenly, Naruto's cloak reforms. Arms and hands in the shapes of the bijuu he has allied himself with shoot out and grab Gedo Mazo.

Tobi is visibly surprised, shocked even, for the briefest of moments. "You.. Kyuubi..? No.."

Flashback to Naruto's latest statement (previous chapter): "I know all their names.." - "So that's how.. no matter.."

Gedo Mazo's mouth opens and flames shoot out.

The smoke clears and Naruto is still standing strong, in a perfect power balance with Gedo Mazo. "Bee, go!" Naruto shouts. Bee wastes no time and jumps up behind Gedo Mazo. He instantly transforms into the 8-tails and has a bijuu-ball at the ready.

It lands in Gedo Mazo's back. A perfect hit. But there's no visible damage at all. "What the f.. that was a clean hit.."

Gedo Mazo roars and wrestles itself free of Naruto's grasp. Naruto's chakra cloak dissipates instantly and Bee is slammed backwards while Naruto is pounded face-first into the ground.

Tobi slips up from the ground and starts walking towards Naruto. "It was a futile attempt, but I commend you for trying.. let me 'store' you first, Kyuubi." He touches Naruto and the swirls of his dimensional jutsu appear. Just at that moment, it turns to a block of wood. "Kawarimi.. th--"

He can't finish his sentence. Naruto, in Sage Mode, is already behind him. A rasengan hits Tobi's back. "Uwwahhhhh!!!" - Tobi is sent flying down the hole Gedo Mazo created just moments ago whilst pounding Naruto into the ground. "Gah.." Tobi coughs up blood and tried standing up. He staggers and falls. "You bastard..!" He coughs up some more blood, his mask is cracking.

"The beasts all gave me some of their chakra, and it wasn't enough to defeat that statue.. maybe.. but plenty to trick you."

Tobi finally stands up, holding himself against the wall. "Like it matters, you haven't defeated it or me. I won't let you touch me ag--"

"But I have." Naruto answers as he interrupts Tobi.

Behind him, Gedo Mazo is seen trembling and cracking all over. "I merely injected the unbounded chakra back into that statue. The beasts are living beings of chakra, remember? Their souls can be bound to whomever they plead allegiance. They are ripping the chains. They are currently battling for control of their own chakra reserves."

"But that's not all."

"I gave them a little something of my own."

Tobi looks at Naruto shocked.

".. heh. You wouldn't understand anyway."

Tobi has one half of his mask fall off. "You bastard.. you will pay for this!"
Tobi lunges towards Naruto but stops halfway there.

"You will lose because I have something you don't.."

Tobi is stopped dead in his tracks. "This feeling.."

"Meet my comrades."

Shikamaru has Tobi locked in the kage mane no jutsu. He looks at the Gedo Mazo. "Guess that one won't be helping you today, huh."

Kakashi and Gai appear behind Tobi. Gai pokes Tobi with a kunai. "He's still being a ghost.." Gai complains. "According to information from the Hidden Rain, his jutsu only holds for about 5 minutes.. seeing how Konan was defeated anyway, it'll be a bit longer.." Kakashi responds. He looks up at Shikamaru. "You gonna hold it?"

Shikamaru frowns. "Of course." The scene zooms out a little more. At least a dozen Nara clan-members are surrounding the crater and are holding Tobi down.

The scene zooms out even more. Numerous groups of various nins from all countries are assembling and yelling instructions. Generals are ordering them to protect the scene until 'Madara' is taken care of. Nobody is to interfere.

Back to the real Madara.

Tsunade is the last one standing. She's in her old hag form and clearly defeated. Madara towers over her. "It's over."

- End of chapter -