Friday 3 February 2012

Naruto 573 Prediction 3

- The beast bomb clash blinds the landscape in white light. Naruto is now facing all the bijuu infront in a setting like Naruto and Sasuke's clash after the Kage meeting.

Naruto: One by one please im not good with names

- Bijuu all at once shouting over each coming across hostile due to being under control of Tobi

Kurama: SILENCE!!!

- Bijuu recognise Kurama's presence

Kurama: This is Naruto Uzumaki, his will recognises our existence like no other since The Sage of the Six Paths. LET HIM SPEAK!!!

Bijuu: !!!

Naruto: ...I am Naruto Uzumaki

- Naruto lifts his head to face to see the bijuu in a line with the chakra chains and stake just like Son.

Naruto: The guy in the mask is controlling you all, using your power. He wants to fulfill a plan which will leave the entire world in his possession.

Bjiuu: ...!!

5 tails: Kurama you should know better, this human doesn't deserve our audience. Power, power, power!!! For centuries we have exhausted our own efforts to please these humans. Our power has been abused for centuries and now we are to bow because you have!!

Naruto: I AM UZUMAKI NARUTO!! Im not just a human, I have a name! You all are not beasts! Your not weapons for people to use like the masked guy. I will set you all free, i wont fail you 'it is my ninja way'.

Two Tails: ...This child!!!

Kurama: HAHAHA!!! Trust me to be the one to find 'him'.

Five Tails: You really think so Kurama.

Two Tails: If Kurama fights with him and 8 tails I will fight too in the name of freedom!

- Naruto & Kurama grinning, scoping the other bijuu Naruto is surrounded by fists.


- The fox shroud catches Kakashi & Gai from the blast. The Bijuu fly across to the Gedo Mazo and Tobi struggling to find footing from the blast.

Tobi: UZUMAKI!!! Your death will bring peace come fourth!!!

Naruto: My life will bring freedom to all, you who control, abuse and lie will never bring peace to this world, Nagato and Itachi are examples of what your vision can cause. It finishes now!!

- Naruto Creates a hand seal for 'that jutsu'

Tobi starts owning the group and summons GM

-> Gai goes eighth gate and prepares to harm GM

-> Tobi tries to stop him but Kakashi keeps him intangible with Kamui as a threat

-> Gai harms GM and he spits out the Bijuu

-> Tobi controls them with his Sharingan, quickly takes Bee (got worn out of Hachibi) and sends them all back to his hideout to avoid chakra loss

-> Tobi at his hide-out: Alright, time to use hachibi's tentacle + kinGin bros + bijuu to revive Juubi

-> Tobi: nah i'll wait, if he's unstable i might not be able to control hi-

-> GM automatically starts taking the chakra

-> Tobi: Wait.. wha?

-GM's horn impales Tobi

- The sky turns red and black as fuck, then you see the moon appear

- Tobi: Is this.. Kabuto!

/ at kage fight

Madara and Kages: What!? What has Kabuto accomplished!?

/back at Kabuto's hide-out

Kabuto: This sky...

Kabuto: What has tobi done!?

Is the Juubi finally acting on his own accord!?