Thursday 16 February 2012

Naruto 575 Prediction

Naruto 575 The Prodigy, Avenger and Legend.

Scene starts with Madara brawling out A
A goes for punch but gets pushed away with Susano
Madara: You're slowing down raikage, having difficulties?
A: ...*I don't normally run out of chakra...but this is a never ending battle.*
Tsunade: Every time we have the opportunity to seal him, he hides in Susano and regenerates...we have to tire him out...
Onoki: With Sharingan blood and Hashirama's DNA, he won't get tired anytime soon....*if only I could use Jinton*
Gaara: !
Mei: What is it?
Gaara: I have an idea...but it may be risky.
A: Let's hear it!

Madara: !!!?
Kages: ?
Madara: What? Where was that power? Someone near by...that pressure. It's not doubt...the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan?
Tsunade: !? *Could it be*
Muu/Kabuto is hard pressing the jouinin who are in a circle guarding each others back.
Genma; This is pointless...we have no idea where he's going to stirke..

NARUTO 574...!!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Naruto 574 Prediction 1

An eye for an eye

Neiji "!!!!!!"

Hinata "Neiji cum what's wrong"

Neiji "There is a disturbing chakra over 5 kilometers north from here, i'm going to check it out"

Lee "Neiji i will go with you"

Neiji "No, go save naruto, if this is what i think it is, your eyes won't stand a chance"

*Scene switches to Sasuke standing above a canyon 150 feet off ground*

Sasuke "It's time i put the Hawk plan into motion, Konoha, Naruto, Kakashi will die at my hands".

Sasuke "!!!!"

Naruto 574 Prediction 2

Kabuto's challenge

secluded mountain base.
kabuto: kukuku..madara is finally getting serious. the kage's wont last long.
a shadow steps out, red eyes shining in the darkness.
shadow: he will not get that chance.
kabuto: so you've come...itachi.

scene change.
sakura turns to shizune.
shizune: are you worried about naruto?
sakura: don't worry about him. if i know naruto, he may not even need our help. i know naruto better than pretty much anyone.
she blushes slightly.
shizune: you finally realised it. you-
they are the first to come to the battlefield.
naruto: sakura chan?
sakura: kuchiyose no jutsu!
a giant slug bursts forth from the ground.
tobi: so this is tsunade's apprentice...

NARUTO 573...!!!

Monday 6 February 2012

Naruto 573 Latest Prediction

Scene opens with Madara sliding backward due to a kick from the Raikage, and being surrounded by the Kages.

"You guys sure live up to your names.."

Tsunade is seen with her forehead seal released and Katsuyu summoned. Each of the Kages has a Katsuyu clone on them.

".. I feel like I'm not the only one with immortality here."

The scene zooms out and it shows hundreds of craters, huge weapons spread all over the battlefield, defeated summons with gashing wounds, dying and some just popping off in a cloud of smoke. The landscape is utterly destroyed.

Next page shows a similar view at Naruto's scene. Except it's at least ten times as large. And the craters were former mountains.

The 8-tails speaks to Naruto with a slight hint of concern. "If your link isn't perfect yet, it's best to let me and Bee take the fight from here on out, you did great already.."

Friday 3 February 2012

Naruto 573 Prediction 1

The seal is broken

Tobi reaches into a pocket at his side and removes a seal as the others look on.

Tobi: "You don't think this fight is over do you? Its only just begun."

Tobi performs a hand sign and suddenly Shichiseiken, Benihisago, and Kōkinjō appear in a puff of smoke. Naruto looks at them with an odd expression on his face. Tobi wraps Kōkinjō around his left arm while taking Shichiseiken with his right hand.

Naruto 573 Prediction 2

An Era's Weight!!

[He carries his comrades Faith]

Naruto : I have learned a lot of names and have been taught lot of things.

Tobi : (Names?). I don't know what you learned and I don't want to either. But my little puppet play is over. From here on it's the real deal.

(Scene switches to the battle between madara and kages)

(Everyone sees the bijuu bomb blast over the horizon and are stunned)

Tsunade : That direction is.....What the hell could have been going on.

Madara : Seems like he is getting started.....well, let me take this battle up a notch (to full rinnegan level). Kuchiyose : GEDOU MAZOU !!

Naruto 573 Prediction 3

- The beast bomb clash blinds the landscape in white light. Naruto is now facing all the bijuu infront in a setting like Naruto and Sasuke's clash after the Kage meeting.

Naruto: One by one please im not good with names

- Bijuu all at once shouting over each coming across hostile due to being under control of Tobi

Kurama: SILENCE!!!

- Bijuu recognise Kurama's presence

Kurama: This is Naruto Uzumaki, his will recognises our existence like no other since The Sage of the Six Paths. LET HIM SPEAK!!!

Bijuu: !!!

Naruto: ...I am Naruto Uzumaki

Wednesday 1 February 2012