Saturday 26 November 2011

Naruto 565 predictions 3

Tobi: Although they will never be able to turn into their beast forms, some beast-chakra will always stay with them -- even after a beast is extracted. It's over.

Naruto: There's something really sickening about you making us fight former Jinchuuriki, you bastard.

Bee: Naruto, even though they won't be able to transform full-blown, I doubt we'll be able to win this on our own, ya dig?

Naruto: Right, time for plan B!

(Naruto holds two fingers up)

(Elsewhere... one of the Naruto clones by where the medics are)

Naruto clone: !!!

Naruto clone: Is anyone here able to get in touch with the contact team?

Hidden-Cloud sensor ninja: I am!

Naruto clone: Please put me in touch with them now!

(Naruto puts his hand on the sensor ninja's shoulder who then connects him to Ionichi)

Inoichi: Naruto... what do you need?

Naruto clone: This is going to sound weird, but can you contact the sensor team-- tell them to locate Itachi Uchiha and have them put me in touch with him ASAP!

Inoichi: What?!?!?! Itachi Uchiha?

Naruto clone: I don't have time to explain! Please hurry!

Inoichi (puts his hand on Ao's sholder): Okay, hang on Naruto -- Ao, can you please look for Itachi Uchiha?

Ao: Excuse me? Itachi... Uchiha?

Inoichi: Naruto says you should be able to do this and that it's an emergency...

Ao: Okay.... looking.... hmm.. ?!?!?!? I... found him!

Inoichi: So he's alive?!

Naruto: No, he's still in summoned form, anyway it'scomplicated and I really need to reach him.

Inoichi: patching you through now...

*Itachi is running through the trees looking for Kabuto*

Itachi: ?!

Naruto: Itachi it's Naruto, the contact squad put us through, I hope that's okay...

Inoichi: I wish I could sit here longer and try to figure out what this is all about, but Naruto says it'san emergency?

Itachi: Naruto... why have you contacted me?

Naruto: Plan B!

Itachi: Got it...

Naruto: Please hurry!!

(flashback to a few chapters back)

Itachi: I'm going to try to get Kabuto to end the Jutsu, however, there is a problem here.

Naruto and Bee??

Itachi: If he sees me, he could end the Jutsu immaturely, find more living sacrifices and re-summon us, and all of this would be for naught.

Bee: Damn, he's right. That outcome don't look too bright...

Itachi: But that's precisely why I captured Nagato. Please let me know when the time comes... Tell yourcontact team to have me activate plan B. Don't say anything more. They cannot know too much about me.

Naruto: Alright... but what are you going to do...

Itachi: Something I don't want to have to do, but I will do what I must to atone for my actions. For the pain I put my brother through... But Naruto, unless you are unable to defeat Madara or there are dire circumstances, please do not contact me.

(takes off/flashback over)

*Itachi activates his Susanoo, pulls out the totsuka blade and re-materializes Nagato with it*

Kabuto: ?! I'm sensing that Nagato is back on the field... what are you planning Itachi?

Itachi: And now that I have control over you...

Nagato (in a genjutsu): Gedo Rinne Tensei No Jutsu!

(the king of hell structure appears, opens its mouth and shoots a green beam at both of them)

Nagato: Itachi...

Kabuto: God damn you Itachi... (smashes fist on the ground)

Nagato: So it worked.

Itachi: It seems so. With our souls intact, the Gedo Rinne Tensei jutsu can simply restore our bodies back to life. This way if Kabuto ended the Impure World Ressurection Jutsu, it wouldn't affect us.

Nagato: Let's go to Kabuto then...

Itachi: No, I will take care of that. You go help Naruto and Bee. They need it right now.

Nagto: I'm on my way.

(Nagato takes off)

Itachi: I did not want to have to do this, I was hoping that Naruto's side would have been able to defeat Madara so that even if Kabuto ended the Impure World Resurrection Jutsu with me along with it, they would be there to stop him from re-activating it...

(Flashback of Nagato telling Naruto that "part 2 wasthe worst part, etc")

Nagato: Naruto, Sensei: it seems I've got a chance to re-write my story now...


(caption: Finally! The allied shinobi forces gain the upper hand!)