Thursday 16 February 2012

Naruto 575 Prediction

Naruto 575 The Prodigy, Avenger and Legend.

Scene starts with Madara brawling out A
A goes for punch but gets pushed away with Susano
Madara: You're slowing down raikage, having difficulties?
A: ...*I don't normally run out of chakra...but this is a never ending battle.*
Tsunade: Every time we have the opportunity to seal him, he hides in Susano and regenerates...we have to tire him out...
Onoki: With Sharingan blood and Hashirama's DNA, he won't get tired anytime soon....*if only I could use Jinton*
Gaara: !
Mei: What is it?
Gaara: I have an idea...but it may be risky.
A: Let's hear it!

Madara: !!!?
Kages: ?
Madara: What? Where was that power? Someone near by...that pressure. It's not doubt...the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan?
Tsunade: !? *Could it be*
Muu/Kabuto is hard pressing the jouinin who are in a circle guarding each others back.
Genma; This is pointless...we have no idea where he's going to stirke..

NARUTO 574...!!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Naruto 574 Prediction 1

An eye for an eye

Neiji "!!!!!!"

Hinata "Neiji cum what's wrong"

Neiji "There is a disturbing chakra over 5 kilometers north from here, i'm going to check it out"

Lee "Neiji i will go with you"

Neiji "No, go save naruto, if this is what i think it is, your eyes won't stand a chance"

*Scene switches to Sasuke standing above a canyon 150 feet off ground*

Sasuke "It's time i put the Hawk plan into motion, Konoha, Naruto, Kakashi will die at my hands".

Sasuke "!!!!"

Naruto 574 Prediction 2

Kabuto's challenge

secluded mountain base.
kabuto: kukuku..madara is finally getting serious. the kage's wont last long.
a shadow steps out, red eyes shining in the darkness.
shadow: he will not get that chance.
kabuto: so you've come...itachi.

scene change.
sakura turns to shizune.
shizune: are you worried about naruto?
sakura: don't worry about him. if i know naruto, he may not even need our help. i know naruto better than pretty much anyone.
she blushes slightly.
shizune: you finally realised it. you-
they are the first to come to the battlefield.
naruto: sakura chan?
sakura: kuchiyose no jutsu!
a giant slug bursts forth from the ground.
tobi: so this is tsunade's apprentice...